book review
REVIEW: Losing it, by Cora Carmack
9:13 AMTitle:
Losing ItAuthor:
Cora Carmack
Edwards is about to graduate from college and still has hers. Sick of
being the only virgin among her friends, she decides the best way to
deal with the problem is to lose it as quickly and simply as possible-- a
one-night stand. But her plan turns out to be anything but simple when
she freaks out and leaves a gorgeous guy alone and naked in her bed with
an excuse that no one with half-a-brain would ever believe. And as if
that weren't embarrassing enough, when she arrives for her first class
of her last college semester, she recognizes her new theatre professor.
She'd left him naked in her bed about 8 hours earlier.
This was such a lovely, light, contemporary read... There's finally an interesting female lead, a strong one, funny and enjoyable to read about. And she's a virgin (how rare is that?!). Many times I could easily relate to her, especially in this certain scene: "For the rest of the time, I was left alone with my thoughts, which were about as pleasant as the Ebola virus." Yep. I know how that feels.
The story revolves around Bliss, while she's trying to get laid, or as she would gracefully say, "making the beast with two backs" (Othello reference). Willing to get rid of the virgin status
"Yeah, well, there are a lot of things I've never done." He quirked one eyebrow. "Like what?"Of course, the first time she's a bit freaked out and she leaves him the second things start getting way too heated and she invents a she-cat Hamlet, that's gray just to get away. Oh well.
"Well..." I swear my heartbeat sounded like stu-pid, stu-pid, stu-pid as it pounded in my ears.
After this, Garrick is basically everywhere and I mean EVERYWHERE. Apparently, he lives quite close to her, he's her new teacher in college, he's out for coffee in the same place as her. Car breaks? GARRICK'S HERE, NOTHING TO WORRY. Uhm, stalker much? I know that the story is about them, but come on, they can exist just as well, without them meeting every. single. time. And while I absolutely love him, there were times I was more like NO.
"Sometimes you react... like, well, how I want you to react" and that one time he thought of Bliss as property to be owned. Not cool.
When Bliss got sick, it was like the story went on a whole different level. The way it was handled... beautiful, poetic even and I looked at Bliss and Garrick's relationship in an entirely different light.
"It was the sun, and it held me in its arms, called me by name, touched me from forehead to toes. I fell asleep cradled in the sky in the arms of a star."
"There was a galaxy inside of me - complex and infinite and miraculous and fragile. And at the center was my sun."
Now, don't think she refers to him as her sun all the time (she's not Daenerys from Game of Thrones and Garrick is not her sun and stars) and it would normally be cheesy, but it certainly is not. It somehow fits the story, it brings a mature note to it.
All in all, I do recommend this, you'll love the writing, the characters, the forbidden love... what's not to like?
Favorite quotes
“He was flabbergasted. That was the best word. His flabber had been thoroughly gasted.”
“There was a galaxy inside of me - complex and infinite and miraculous and fragile. And at the center was my sun.”
Characters: 4/5
Loved the main characters, didn't really connect with the others.
Romance: 5/5
Pacing/Length: 5/5
Nothing felt rushed, nothing felt slow paced, the story was told exactly the right way.
Cover: 4/5
Normally, I would give it a 3/5 rate because of the horrifying text. But GARRICK!! There are actually a few cover versions and the guy keeps changing... Uhm, can ALL those guys be Garrick? YES PLEASE?
Love the review! Nu am auzit de carte,dat totul are un inceput,nu? Imi place ca e relativ scurta dar cuprinzatoare. Si eu ma gandeam sa incerc Netgalley. I can see so much love!!! :) Cat despre cover sincer nu i-as fi dat 5/5. Am vazut unele mai dragute de atat... ^^
ReplyDeleteNici eu nu auzisem de ea, dar am vazut-o pe Netgalley si mi s-a parut destul de interesanta SI ASA A FOST.
DeleteSi am gresit eu - ca de, am vrut tastatura neagra, pe intuneric se vede ataaaat de bine - Vroiam sa apas 4/5 la cover, mai mult pentru baieti sa fiu sincera :))) Daca nu erau draguti, i-as fi dat un 3/5... Noroc cu baietii astia.
I heard some great things about this book!
ReplyDeleteI guess I have to read it now :)
Great review
That's because it is great, I really don't see anyone not liking it...
DeleteThank you for commenting :)
Garrick... British accent,hot,teacher, motorcycle,living near...Asa am fost si eu, cand am terminat de citit cartea.Chiar daca ar trebui sa ne concentram asupra relatiei lor si modul in care evolueaza lucrurile:D but hey there's Garrick *dying* Am observat ca din majoritatea cartilor citite, cei mai funny si hot baieti sunt englezii oare de ce? Tot ma omoara intrebarea asta, dar dupa imi aduc aminte de accentul lor din care nu intelegi absolut nimic. Poate asta ii principalul motiv:D
Delete"imi aduc aminte de accentul lor din care nu intelegi absolut nimic" Stii cum e vorba aia "Minte-ma frumos." Ce poate fi mai frumos decat un British accent din care sa nu intelegi decat juma' de fraza? :)))
DeleteNu cred ca pot sa-ti raspund la intrebarea aceasta.Adica, si daca as face-o, ar fi ceva de genu "invalid answer":))