graphic novel
King #1 Review
11:48 PMName: King
Author: Joshua Hale Fialkov, Bernard Chang, Marcelo Maiolo
Series: King #1
Genre: Graphic Novel
Kindle, 30 pages
Provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
King just wants what anybody wants: not to get fired, eaten, or forced to mate with a cheetah lady. For Earth’s sole human survivor after the apocalypse, life among Los Angeles’s strange new populace ain’t easy. Working for the LA Department of Reclamation, King gets a lot of crappy jobs going on quests and searching for artifacts from the “old world,” which can range from the mythical (Excalibur!) to the absurd (an iPod shuffle—which, let’s be honest, was a terrible, terrible invention). The commute can be a real pain in the asphalt, too; the 405 freeway is filled with mutants, monsters, mayhem, and tentacled Elder Gods. And that’s all before you hit the horrors of the San Fernando Valley. As the world’s freakish inhabitants battle for supremacy, King searches for the “seed of life,” which may give Earth the second chance it probably doesn’t even deserve.
From the way the novel starts, you'd think it's gonna be all serious, down-to-business stuff. Here's how it goes:
"There's an old parable from before the Fall. A tale of a cat who is given everything is ever desired. He gets a comfortable home of which he is King. He gets the finest foods made for man. Nothing is desired of him and he desires nothing, for it is all before him. And yet, just like us, without anything, without any home, or kin, or food, or hope... when he awoke, three words left his blessed gob."
And right then I knew, I was gonna love this.
The world construction in this is unbelievable. You literally feel a part of that world. And let me tell you all the perks you get here: the main character is presumably the last man on Earth, there's aliens, gods, primordial beings and "something called a Mans-Hubris", whatever that is. This is a mad world, as mad as the one in Mad Max. Did I tell you that you get a Karate Robot Bear too? And I'm not paraphrasing here, this is exactly how the bear was described there. If that is not worth checking out, I don't know what is.
The art work is just brilliant.
The only thing that bugs me is that I don't have a physical copy of this. Seriously, I think that its beauty is wasted on a Kindle.
Favorite Quotes
“Karate Robot Bear!”